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Chiropractor in Barcelona: meet our team

aurele rossi chiropractor

Chiropractor - Aurele Rossi

I’m Aurele, I was born in a little village close to La Rochelle, in France and I have been living in Barcelona since 2005.I got my title as Doctor in Chiropractic at The Barcelona College of Chiropractic (BCC). Not only that, but I have a master in Chiropractic at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

I’m the founder and senior chiropractor of Aurele Rossi Chiropractor. Furthermore, I have two chiropractic centres, one in the centre of Barcelona, in Eixample, and the other in San Adrián de Besós.

During my experience in chiropractic, I have been witness of the incredible self-healing capacity of the body. Whether you are looking to improve your health, to optimize your sport performance or to improve your life quality. Chiropractic can help you!

Each of the techniques is adapted to each case, depending on the body and needs. They are adapted to all ages, from newborns to old age persons.

I speak French, Spanish and English.

I’m affiliate number 1398 of Spanish Chiropractic Association (AEQ), recognized by European Council on Chiropractic Education (ECCE).

Furthermore, I regularly take part to congress and seminary to keep me update about the practice to offer the best care to my patients.

aurele rossi chiropractor

Superior degree in 
chiropractor from BCC

Master in Chiropractic from Pompeu i Fabra University  

Member of AEQ 

chiropractor BARCELONA

Chiropractic assistant - Hortensia Gómez

I’m Hortensia, I’m from Barcelona. I Studied administration and when I finished, I started working in a gold work company, where I have worked many years as HR and in the administrative department.

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Since I was a little girl, I like dealing with people. I have always been interested in the administrative area, so I’m happy to support the centre on this.

My relationship with chiropractic started as patients. I have jointed the team in 2020 at the Sant Adrià Centre.
My goal is to make people feeling comfortable all time, I’m who guide you when you come or call us.

I speak Catalan and Spanish.

chiropractor BARCELONA

Chiropractic assistant - Elena Comorera

I’m Elena and I was born in Barcelona. I studied Russian and English at the Official Languages School of Barcelona. After many years working as administrative and customer care, I actively joint as volunteer for animals and environment.

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That was the moment I start developing an interest for natural therapies. I met the chiropractic when I was looking for a solution to my teenager daughter’s back pain. And, since then, the whole families enjoy the chiropractic care.

My other passion is the sport, my experience tells me that our well-being depends on several factors, but it always starts with self-care.

I speak Catalan, Spanish, Russian and English.



How chiropractic changes my life

When I was 18 years old, I took part in a longboard competition in Annecy, in France. During a training I get out the track and fell from 4 meter high. I suffered the consequences for many months after that.

So I decided to go to chiropractic, and after intensive and regular care, I had my daily life back. I could also start again with the longboard, my passion since I have a memory.
For this reason, one of my specialists in chiropractic is an athlete.

My philosophy? Do things today to become who you want tomorrow. Empower yourself and define your world with healthy habits, daily routine and, of course, chiropractic.

chiropractic humanitarian mission in peru

Humanitarian Mission

My personal propose is to bring chiropractic to people without resources. Helping needed people.

In 2020 and 2022 I got the chance to realize my volunteering in Cajamarca – Perú. Where I collaborated with local institution.

During that time, I had the privilege to help hundreds of people coming from all over the Country to be visited by me. It was so rewarding, even if exhausting, helping them and being witness of their amazing improving.

Many times, their problems come from the lack of correct medical care.



How chiropractic changes my life

When I was 18 years old, I took part in a longboard competition in Annecy, in France. During a training I get out the track and fell from 4 meter high. I suffered the consequences for many months after that.

So I decided to go to chiropractic, and after intensive and regular care, I had my daily life back. I could also start again with the longboard, my passion since I have a memory.
For this reason, one of my specialists in chiropractic is an athlete.

My philosophy? Do things today to become who you want tomorrow. Empower yourself and define your world with healthy habits, daily routine and, of course, chiropractic.

chiropractic humanitarian mission in peru

Humanitarian Mission

My personal propose is to bring chiropractic to people without resources. Helping needed people.

In 2020 and 2022 I got the chance to realize my volunteering in Cajamarca – Perú. Where I collaborated with local institution.

During that time, I had the privilege to help hundreds of people coming from all over the Country to be visited by me. It was so rewarding, even if exhausting, helping them and being witness of their amazing improving.

Many times, their problems come from the lack of correct medical care.


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